Farm Walk and Open Day a success!
Looking at the weather forecast for a few days before, Sunday did not look good. We decided to move the BBQ from the lawn to the tractor shed just to make sure. In the end we had a light drizzle to start with but no proper rain. No real sun though. The walk in the end took a good hour with highlighs including a flock of calling curlews in our field by the river, orchids and lots of flowers in the Chancel graveyard and some great food at the end. Many thanks to all that came, and for all the help from the family in making it happen, lets do it again next year!

Meadowsweet, Oxeye daisys and more in the Chancel graveyard

100% grass fed 100% beef burgers all round.

A 5 spot burnet moth close up

BBQ lunch in the tractor shed