Meadow Arts Competition

If you have an artistic streak or would like to find your artistic streak , why not enter the Flood Plain Meadows Partnership art competition. The Open University and the Floodplain Meadows Partnership have launched an Arts and Crafts competition to help raise awareness of the UK’s diminishing floodplain meadows. All you have to do is visit a meadow, get inspired and submit a piece of art. This can be a photograph, drawing, painting, mixed media or even sculpture, video or audio - its up to you.
It's for a great cause and also there are some great prizes on offer including vouchers for the Field Studies Council (providers of great courses and wildlife guides) and a range of meadow produce.
The Flood Plains Meadows Partnership are a tiny organisation hosted within the Open University and lead the way in meadow science. They have helped me a huge amount over the years with practical knowledge and scientific advice and are very active in North Wiltshire surveying at North Meadow and other sites.
To find a local meadow check out this meadow finder or look up your local wildlife trust
For full info visit here